Why Localization is Essential for Cybersecurity Software

Due to an insane increase nowadays in both the sophistication and the number of cyberattacks, companies are more under the gun to guard themselves against damage. Organizations, albeit have responded by upping their security budget plans and started taking on highly advanced measures, keeping up with future threats can still be a problem. Therefore, additional solutions like localization are needed to follow, in addition to existing security tools, to protect a system against cyber threats.

While localization is mostly known as the process of adapting the product or service so that it meets the norms and expectations of a specific target market, in this post, you will learn more about this principle in the cybersecurity sphere, and find out how it can be applied to ensure complete data security.

What Are The Common Security Threats

The world of cybersecurity threats is always changing, with an increasing number of attack methods being developed daily. Phishers and hackers are trying different sophisticated techniques, so it is essential to learn about such threats in detail in order to mitigate them. Here are some of the most prominent cybersecurity threats that companies face:

Password Attacks

Password theft is one of the ways using which hackers can access the password information of an individual by sniffing the network connection through social engineering or breaking into the database. It is effortless for hackers to access a variety of confidential information, including login credentials, once they have accessed the network. Some common password attacks include:

  • Brute-force password guessing – the software uses logic to guess passwords related to the name, job or other personal details of an individual
  • Dictionary attack – a dictionary containing common passwords is used to access the computer and network of an individual
  • Pass-the-hash attack – attackers put the authentication protocol in a session to use and obtain the password hash, then pass it through for authentication and access to other networked systems

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

DDoS attacks are destructive attempts to disrupt traffic to a site or a server. In this attack, the perpetrator floods the target system with requests from multiple sources, causing it to stop functioning and denying access to its users. These are often used in combination with other cyber threats.

Malware Attack

Another common type of cybersecurity threat, malware, is activated when a program or virus is accidentally downloaded onto a device. From one computer, it can then continue infecting the entire network. Malware is frequently used for various exploits, including spyware, viruses, adware, bots, and worms. In a nutshell, it works to illicitly penetrate a system to obtain unauthorized access or track a company’s activities.


Phishing is a social engineering attack in which attackers send deceitful messages appearing to be legitimate. Scammers typically use email or social media channels to entice users to click on deceptive links, leading them to provide sensitive information or download malicious files.


It is a kind of malware that enables cybercriminals to entire block systems and encrypt devices, leaving them unusable. To regain access, users may have to pay a crazy ransom fee to the attacker.

Man-in-the-middle Attack (MitM)

Users typically believe that when they access a remote system on the web, they are communicating directly with the target server. In MitM attacks, attackers prove them wrong by intercepting communication between the user and the server of the target system and compromising the user’s credentials, stealing confidential information, and returning varied responses to the user. Session hijacking, IP spoofing, and Bluetooth attacks fall into this category of cybersecurity threats.

Prevalence of the Cybersecurity Attacks

Chances are that any business will experience cyber attacks in one form or another. Below are some of the alarming statistics on cybersecurity attacks:

  • The global annual cybercrime cost is estimated to be $6 trillion annually;
  • Approximately 71.1 M people fall victim to cyber crimes on a yearly basis;
  • In the last five years, an increase of 67% has been noticed in security breaches;
  • More than 50% of all cyberattacks are done on small to medium-sized businesses;
  • By 2024, businesses will lose around $5B due to cybercrimes.

This high frequency of cyber threats and attacks poses serious dangers to companies of all sizes. This is where localization comes in. Nowadays, product/service localization has become a preferred approach for many businesses to protect their system against malicious attacks.

How Localization Can Help Cybersecurity Software

Cultural and language barriers can interfere with users recognizing potential threats to cybersecurity systems. For this reason, companies must turn to multilingual instructions and product localization to head off any cyberattack. Fundamentally, localizing the cybersecurity system helps ensure that everybody within the business understands the product and how to use it. By following these localization tips, cybersecurity companies can create a plan to prevent impending attacks in any region in which they operate.

Build Localized Websites for all Target Regions

Those providing cybersecurity software around the world must create a localized site for each and every region. These websites should have all the essential information about the business in a language comprehensible to customers. It is a good idea to do research beforehand and try out changing the geographic location using a VPN to gain relevant information about the region’s preferences.

Provide Localized Instructions to Increase Data Security

The absence of knowledge and understanding of cybersecurity concepts and tools can be extremely dangerous when facing serious threats and attacks. So, it is important to discuss such risks and to prepare the users to be able to recognize them early on. One great solution would be cybersecurity product localization and multilingual training for products in all areas where the company operates. With localized websites, user guides, brochures, and video content, employees can have a hand in securing the data and system.

Get Help from Professional Translation Service

Cybersecurity companies provide their customers with extremely important services. So, it is compulsory for all the key information to be translated and localized correctly. Partnering with a reputable translation services provider like TextUnited can help localize training and documentation on information technology security products. Doing so will eliminate any translation errors and help users prevent devastating attacks from occurring.

Final Words

To summarize, organizations have never been in as much peril as they are in these times. Threats and attacks continue to affect even the largest companies, so it is a business’s responsibility to take essential preventative measures to ensure their data safety. Localization of cybersecurity software, security-related training and procedures material has become a desideratum for small- and large-scale businesses since it guarantees that the software is wholly optimized and tailored to fit the customers’ requirements.