Have you ever needed to localize your website urgently but had to go through lengthy quote and approval processes? Or have you faced high costs and unpredictable pricing that strained your budget and slowed your operations?

If yes, you’ve come to the right place! We’ll introduce you to a better solution called subscription-based translation services, which will help simplify your translation process and help you localize your website and save money for your business!


What Brought About the Subscription-Based Translation?

The usual process for a traditional project-based translation involves several steps. First, you need to contact an LSP (Language Service Provider), then send the files you want to be translated and wait for quotes. After receiving the quotes, you’ll need to wait again for the actual translation. As you can see, the entire process is quite lengthy and complicated.

This led TextUnited, the Supervised AI Translation platform, to create a solution that makes translation services much more accessible, user-friendly, and, most importantly, affordable. You won’t have to deal with the complexities of individual projects. Your business can subscribe to a monthly plan that includes a set allowance based on human translation effort. This is calculated automatically. As a result, you won’t have to deal with the administrative overhead of traditional project-based services, unnecessary delays related to managing translators, or expose your content to confidentiality leaks by sending it for translation via email.


How Subscription-Based Translation Addresses Your Market Needs

Your market needs can range from cost-effective and fast translations to high-quality translations, such as certified translations for legal documents, or translations that require professional skills, such as technical manuals or marketing materials. You may also need to localize websites regularly, but for other language combinations, you only need to do so occasionally.

For many years, businesses have been working with traditional translation agencies to address those needs, but at a high cost and with frustratingly long turnaround times. Subscription-based translation services available via translation platforms like TextUnited can help address those needs with better technology, especially machine translation tech, other AI-based tools, and native-speaking translators, which drive translation costs and delivery times down dramatically.

Image illustrating various market needs - localize website
Image illustrating various market needs

Cost-Effectiveness for Better Budgeting

With a subscription-based translation solution, you have a consistent monthly fee. This helps you predict how much you’ll spend on translations each month and plan your budget accordingly.

Faster Translation to Localize Your Website

We understand that speed is a significant factor for your business. Fortunately, the subscription model is designed so that your translations can start immediately without you having to wait for quotes or approvals. TextUnited’s subscription model is a perfect match when you need continuous content translation, such as in e-commerce, software development, or digital and social marketing. TextUnited can localize your website very fast!

Support for Scalability in Website Localization

As your business expands, your translation needs will likely increase. This could mean more content to translate, faster translations, or more language combinations. In such a scenario, a subscription model is better equipped to accommodate this growth compared to a traditional brick-and-mortar translation agency.

Easy to Use for Website Localization

Text United’s system is user-friendly, even if you’re not familiar with language AI technologies or best practices in the translation industry. You’ll be able to access professional translation services from native human translators and utilize turn-key solutions to take advantage of AI automation. If you run a small business or a startup and don’t have dedicated translation teams, the subscription model is especially appealing, as it simplifies the process and gives you access to high-quality translation services without requiring specialized knowledge.


Why Subscription-Based Translation is More Affordable for Localizing Your Website

There are a few major reasons for this, but let us focus on three: subscriptions are based rather on the human translation effort, not the word count of the documents translated, cost-saving impact of immediate automatic translations, and budget-friendly consistency for planning and management.

Subscription Cost Based on Human Effort

When using a translation platform within a subscription, the bulk of the cost is dedicated to paying translators involved in improving your translations. Of course, the subscription covers all other costs relating to using the platform, including the cost of AI systems, data processing, and data storage, but the human cost still plays the biggest role.

So, if you specify the highest quality translation for a specific source document, such a job will consume more credits from your subscription than a standard automatic translation. This gives you flexibility to select the optimal mix of turnaround time, level of guaranteed quality, and translation cost.

Budget-Friendly Consistency

Translation services from a traditional translation agency often have unpredictable costs depending on the type of project, its language pairs, quality assurance expectations, desktop publishing services, etc. So, it becomes difficult for businesses to plan their budgets.

But with a subscription model, you have a consistent monthly fee that allows you to know exactly how much you’ll be disbursing every month while maintaining the agreed-upon quality standards.

When or if your translation needs exceed the monthly allowance, you can easily purchase additional packages without disrupting your budget.

Immediate Translations

Subscription-based translation services can help you avoid delays by providing instant translations. With predefined pricing and terms in the subscription plan, there’s no need to wait for quotes or approvals. Your business can upload documents and start translating immediately!


How the Combination of AI and Human Expertise Helps in Localizing Your Website

Illustration showing the combination of AI and Human Expertise - Localize Website
Illustration showing the combination of AI and Human Expertise

If you need translation services that are fast and accurate, the combination of AI and human expertise can help. AI can quickly handle large volumes of text, providing initial translations at a speed that human translators alone cannot match. For instance, if your business has urgent and high-volume translation needs, such as updating product descriptions on your e-commerce sites, this combination of AI and human expertise will come in handy.

Even though AI guarantees a high speed of translations, it falls short in accuracy in many cases. As a result, human translators (or professional translators) review (often referred to as post-editing) the translation for errors or inaccuracies in context and then make the necessary corrections.


Get Started with TextUnited and Localize Your Website!

To localize your website, you can leverage the translation services offered by TextUnited now. There are onboarding videos you can start with to help you learn how to use the system and also its features.

You’ll learn how to upload your documents and manage your projects using AI and human expertise all in one platform!

Whether you’re new to translation services or a professional, these videos will guide you through the process and help you maximize the benefits of TextUnited’s subscription-based model.

Check out the onboarding videos in the following order:


What’s Next?

It can not be overemphasized how TextUnited’s subscription-based translation service can meet your business’ translation needs and help conquer new markets. Visit TextUnited’s website and start a free trial!

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Get your free trial on TextUnited!